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Services / pricing

All service offerings

All amounts are always communicated and agreed to before being performed or billed. We pride ourselves on good communication.

Full Service Cleaning


The set it and forget it option that will cover all your pool maintenance needs. This includes weekly service and is billed on the first of every month.

Pool Repairs

Bid on site

The sun and chemicals will naturally wear down pool equipment. Thankfully we’re here to fix and maintain your equipment to keep your pool running as intended.

Filter Cleans


A deep clean of your main pool filter to get it operating like new. We support cartridge, DE (Diatomaceous Earth), and sand filters. (* include an additional fee that will be disclosed prior to work being done). These are performed every 4-6 months.

New customer?

Get your first month of service free!

With our current promotion you can gain the first month of service completely free!


We believe our communication should be as clear as your pool. As with everything with Hygienic Pools, we won’t get started until you sign off on any work and are aware of the costs before hand.

Auto Pay

We prefer setting customers up on an auto pay solution. It’s easier for everyone and comes at no additional fee.


We charge a little extra when there’s a large overhanging tree that will require extra cleaning time to clean the extra leaves.

Extra large pool

Larger pools take longer to clean so we charge a little more when they’re over 20,000 gallons.

Large amounts of chemicals

We charge a little extra when we need to replace extra large quantities of chemicals.


Pool conditioner (CYA)

Pool conditioner (or stabilizer) acts as a sunscreen for your chlorine in the summer heat that helps it resist evaporation. Usually added in the late spring every year.

Phosphate Remover

Phosphates are a superfood for algae. If they’re removed, the algae can’t bloom and grow.

Large amounts of chlorine

We charge a little extra when we need to add more than 1 gallon of chlorine in a week.

Chlorine Tab Bucket

If your pool uses Chlorine tablets, I’ll supply a 50lb bucket that lasts a very long time.


If you have a saltwater pool, you’ll need to add salt from time to time. I bring 40 lb bags.

Pool RX